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Bleating, neighing Curator of Fine Art at Ankh-Morpork's Royal Art Gallery. Sir Reynold is so posh, according to Fred Colon, that he is barely understandable. A tall, thin man, his speech is described as 'modulated yawning'.

His is a small part (with apologies to his dignity), but he is a vital character as he introduces one of the major plot components to Thud! - the missing Methodia Rascal painting The Battle of Koom Valley.

Comically gets put out - as the upper classes are wont to do when one of their inarguable words is actually argued with - when Sam Vimes asks him how art can be called 'interactive'.


There is a strong resemblence, in voice and manner and aesthetic, to Roundworld art critic Brian Sewell (London Evening Standard, the hernia-inducing Sunday heavy papers, and a frequently used pundit on those late night TV arts shows like "Newsnight Review" and "The South Bank Show"). Read his surname as "Sew-Well" in the (non)-seamstress Sandra Battye sense, and it can be seen how he mutates into "Reynold Stitched").

For a sample of the real-life Reynold Stitched in action as art critic, try this:-[1]

The panorama painting was invented in 1787 by Robert Barker, and the president of the Royal Society - who first disliked it, but later became an ardent supporter - was Sir Joshua Reynolds.