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Composer of Überwald Winter, which contains a marvellous overture, known as СНОВА ПОХОЛОДАЛО!, and much admired by the Wintersmith when he heard it as he raged as a gale through the rooftops of an opera house. He couldn't believe a mere human could put so much understanding of snow and ice into his music.

Also of Prelude in G which, when ready to be played on an organ created by Bloody Stupid Johnson by simian hands belonging to the Librarian, can be heard rescored for Whoopee Cushion and Squashed Rabbits


Possibly also a conductor of no little note - Walter Plinge (who is in a position to listen to anything) decides to listen to a Vochua Doinov-inspired performance of the overture from J. Q. Bubbla's Die Flederleiv. Vochua-Wotua. Misunderstanding, or could - shock! - TP not have bothered spell checking???

Conductor Vochua Doinov = wot (What) you a doin' of - a reproach often given to the orchestra in rehearsals by the great Sir Henry Wood.

A popular name, seemingly...

I found a stray reference to a Czech poet/authoress called Nina Duinov in Michael Palin's published diary, Halfway to Hollywood. Maddeningly, I've bn unable to locate it again since, but a Google on the name "Doinov" or "Duinov" brings up a whole host of architects, composers, poets, philosophers and politicians from all over Eastern Europe, with Bulgarians predominating. Evidently a Slavonic "Smith"?