Talk:Hot Dang

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The rail line up the nearly-vertical mountain face to Lancre must be the most expensive few miles of track in the system and a tough test for Dick's locomotives. Coming down with a full load of timber sounds really frightening. Maybe part of the line is a funicular? --Old Dickens (talk) 23:13, 4 April 2016 (UTC)

The Compleat Discworld Atlas does emphasise that this is a branch line and you need to change trains at Ohulan. I get the picture that regular trains out of Ankh-Morpork and Zrmphis probably find it beyond their capacity and something more tailored to the terrain needs to take over - maybe even a funicular! AgProv (talk) 08:37, 5 April 2016 (UTC)

Talking of steeply graded rail lines, I would suggest a rack railway as used in many mountainous areas on Roundworld. They would have the capacity for moving relatively large timber loads. The funiculars I've encountered have tended towards limited length and/or carrying capacity. "DrFrankenburger"